====== Malware PCAP analysis using TrisulNSM docker on Ubuntu 16.04 Host ====== You've all heard of the great Malware PCAPs made public by [[http://malware-traffic-analysis.net/index.html|Malware Traffic Analysis.NET]] Here is a short recipe that explains how you can use the TrisulNSM Docker Image to setup an analysis platform. **Host : Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on Amazon** ===== Start : Install Docker CE ===== First install docker and start it sudo apt update sudo apt install docker.io sudo systemctl start docker ===== Run the TrisulNSM Docker Image ===== Next Run the **trisulnsm/trisul6** image available on [[https://hub.docker.com/r/trisulnsm/trisul6/|DockerHub]] - Notice that we are not starting a live capture, because we intend to read the PCAPs sudo docker run --name=trisul1a --net=host \ -v /opt/trisul6_root:/trisulroot \ -d trisulnsm/trisul6 ===== Login and install a few apps ===== Point your browser to '':3000'' then login as admin/admin and select Manage -> Apps Install the following Apps: - TLS Fingerprinter - Save Binaries - SNI TLS Metrics Now you have the platform ready to process the PCAPs. ===== Processing PCAPS =====