====== what it does ====== > it delete the default domain0 and creates a new one with the TCP socket.And change the endpoints to TCP mode so that we can connect the probes from any server. You have to run this script only before adding the first probe.Then you can add as many probes as you want without executing the hub distributor. ====== prerequisite ====== > you should have ''trisul hub'' , ''ssh-server'' and ''expect'' installed on your machine. ====== how to use it ====== Goto "/usr/local/share/trisul-hub" on your machine. cd /usr/local/share/trisul-hub Execute the hub_distributer.exp file as root user. ./hub_distributer.exp ===== inputs ===== Then it will ask from some inputs as below {{:hub_distributor_inputs.png?400|{{:hub_distributor_inputs.png?nolink&200 |}} ====== how it works ====== ===== checking the license status ===== > it will check the license status if you are using the free 3 days time trial license it will stop the process. ===== getting the inputs ===== it will get 3 inputs from the user - Hub IP address * IP address of the trisul hub node to use in the TCP connection. - Domain discription * discription of the new domain - Starting port * it gets a port number and use it to three values frontend port , backend port and TCP port by increasing the value by one for each. ^ Value ^ Sample inputs | |''Hub IP Address'' | | |''Domain Description'' | distributed domain | |''Starting Port'' | 12001 | ===== validating the inputs ===== * it will check whether the given hub IP address presence or not in the trisul hub server. * if the given hub IP is not exists in the hub node it will exit from the execution ===== creating new domain ===== * first it will stop all the contexts and the domain in the hub node. * delete the default domain0 by removing the domain0 certificate files. * create a new domain with the ''TCP'' socket by executing trisulctl_hub create domain * then it will enter the ''domain discription'' and ''port values'' given by user. * once the domain is successfully created, it will install it by executing trisulctl_hub install domain /usr/local/share/trisul-hub/domain0.cert ===== changing the endpoints ===== By default , Trisul uses an IPC connection for each Hub node. If this is the first remote probe you are adding. You need to switch the Hub to a TCP connection mode. * changing the endpoints by executing /usr/local/share/trisul-hub/change_endpoints ===== Finishing up ===== * after changing the endpoints it will restart the domain and contxts in the hub node. * and it ends with the success message.