====== Problem getting machineid on LXC/LXD container ====== When you install Trisul packages like the probe or hub on a LXC/LXD linux container you might face an error where Trisul is unable to get the machineID of the container. The error could be something like the following ; when you try to get the machineID from the hub or probe node from the admin panel. {{:tips:trisul_network_analytics_14-07-2021_18-36-20.png?800|}} ===== Fix this error to allow LXC nodes to get the machineID ===== Essentially you need to set the container permissions to allow access to the /dev/mem device from the host which is used as part of dmidecode. Do the following steps. lxc stop lxc config set security.privileged true lxc config device add devmem unix-char source=/dev/mem lxc restart To test if it works do lxc exec dmidecode If that does not work add the following commands and retry lxc config set raw.lxc 'lxc.cap.drop=' lxc config set raw.lxc 'lxc.cap.keep='