Table of Contents

Installing Trisul using Docker Image

This article helps you with installing Trisul Network Analytics using Docker Image.

1. Run TrisulNSM on a capture interface

Now you are ready to run TrisulNSM. Say you want to capture traffic from the port ens33 and store the results in /opt/trisul6_root just type.

sudo docker run  --net=host -v /opt/trisul6_root:/trisulroot -d trisulnsm/trisul6 --interface ens33

In the above command, notice that you mapped the volume using -v of the host directory /opt/trisul6_root. That is where all the persistent data is kept.

Logon on https://localhost:3000 and you can dive right in. Click on Trisul Docs:Basic Usage to get started.

2. Process a PCAP dump

The following command processes the myPacketDump.pcap file located in the trisulroot.

sudo docker run --privileged=true  --name=trisul1a \
   --net=host -v /opt/trisul6_root:/trisulroot \
       -d trisulnsm/trisul6 --pcap myPacketDump.pcap

Notes on offline pcap:

3. Start a Netflow Analytics instance

With just a single line you can start a TrisulNSM Docker instance to process Netflow v5/v9/IPFIX/SFlow using the –netflow-mode parameter.

sudo docker run  --net=host -v /opt/trisul6_root:/trisulroot \
        -d trisulnsm/trisul6 --interface enp5s0 --netflow-mode

In the above command, notice that you mapped the volume using -v of the host directory /opt/trisul6_root.That is where all the persistent data is kept.

Logon on https://localhost:3000 and you can dive right in. Click on Trisul Docs:Basic Usage to get started.

With the Netflow Pcap Dumped, The Trisul UI will look like this.