4.4. Relocate Trisul database

There are two major places where Trisul per-context data is stored.

  1. on each probe – the pcaps, runtime data like extracted files, etc
  2. on the hub – the main streaming metrics DB

By default – on both these nodes the root directory under which these are stored are /usr/local/var . Use the relocate CLI command to move this to a different volume.

4.4.1 relocate context

Run on each node
The relocate context command must be on a node-by-node basis.

You only need to run the relocate command on the nodes (probes and hub) that you want to. Follow these steps.

4.4.2 relocate on hub

Use the trisulctl_hub relocate context command.

Say you want to relocate the default context database to /nsm/trisuldata ; you can run the following.

trisul_hub(domain0)> relocate context  domain0 hub0 default
** Relocate stopping context 
   + config0              stopped  success.context0
   + hub0                 stopped  Context is already stopped
   + probe0               stopped  Context is already stopped
** Relocate context : Move backend databases to another volume 
** Current location details for context [context0@hub0/domain0]

Current DB Root is at              : /usr/local/var
Current size                       : 5.67 MB
Enter new location (enter to quit) :  /nsm/trisuldata

The tool will then run some checks and ask you for a confirmation.

  • Once the relocation is done. You can restart the context using start context default

4.4.3 relocate on each probe

Use the trisulctl_probe relocate context command on each probe.

Say you want to relocate the default context database to /nsm/trisuldata ; you can run the following.

	> relocate context domain0 probe0 default
	Enter new location (enter to quit) : /nsm/trisuldata