11.3. Setup E-Mail

Describes how you can setup an email account to send outgoing email reports and alerts.

Note You need a valid SMTP email account (even Gmail will work).

11.3.1 How to setup E-Mail

Select Reports → Email settings
  1. Press Configure Email
  2. Enter the following information
Email Server Email server name for eg smtp.gmail.com
SMTP Port Number Usually it is 25, Gmail and secure TLS uses 587
Authentication Protocol Select from options provided or “No auth”. If you are unsure the default usually works.
From Email Address Your email account fully qualified mikep123@gmail.com
Email Password Password for From Email. Provided by the email server admin
Disable SSL Cert Verfication If you are using an email server with a self signed cert, check this box to have Trisul skip the certificate validation checks.
SMTP Relay User (optional) Use this to send SMTP email via relays like sendgrid,mailchimp,pepipost etc. This is the user id given to you by the provider. Leave it blank if not required

11.3.2 Send a test email

After you have configured the email settings, its a good idea to send a test email to see if everything works.

Select Reports → Email settings
  1. Press Edit
  2. Enter the “Target Email ID” and press Send Test Email

11.3.3 Pepipost integration

Web Trisul supports Email sending with SMTP Relay provided by Pepipost.com. Here is how you use it.

Get Pepipost credentials

Login to your Pepipost account and go to Settings > Integrations > SMTP Relay

Save the user name and password as shown in the picture below.

Configure email settings in Trisul

Enter the email settings as shown

Email Server smtp.pepipost.com
SMTP Port Number 587
Authentication Protocol Login SMTP Auth (default)
From Email Address something@yourdomain.com. This domain integration must be completed in Pepipost first
Email Password Pepipost SMTP Password (noted down from previous step)
Disable SSL Cert Verfication Unchecked
SMTP Relay User (optional) Your Pepipost Username (noted from previous step)

Then try sending a Test Mail.