Protocol Handler
A custom protocol handler is used to construct a ‘protocol layer stack’. The script takes a packet at a given layer and is responsible for
- consume N bytes at that layer
- tell Trisul framework what protocol the next layer is
An example
One use case of such a script could be to do port agnostic protocol identification. For instance you can treat packets on UDP Port 8883 as either Netflow protocol or SFlow protocol depending on the router IP address that sent the packet.
Download a well documented skeleton script from here to copy and get started
Table protocol_handler
name | type | description |
table control | table | assign a name and GUID to this protocol |
function parselayer | function( layer ) | given a packet consume N bytes for this protocol and tell Trisul what the next protocol is |
Table control
The control table assigns a unique GUID to this protocol and a name. You can then use Access Points to connect this protocol to a lower layer.
name | type | description |
guid | string | A unique guid that identifies this new protocol. Use trisulctl_probe testbench guid to generate a new GUID |
name | string | Name of the counter group. Keep it short < 15 chars |
description | string | optional |
host_protocol_guid | string | Which lower layer protocol do you want to attach to. To find the GUID for your host protocol such as UDP or IP see Common protocol GUIDs |
host_protocol_ports | array of numbers | array of port numbers of the host protocol to which you want to attach. These could be TCP/UDP prots, EtherTypes, IP protocol numbers, or other Access Points |
Sample control block
This is what a new DHCP protocol handler control
section would look like.
-- new protocol for DHCP
control = {
guid = "{E1BD4415-DED3-4D81-974A-3E23C8CE6F5B}", -- new protocol GUID we created
name = "DHCP", -- new protocol name
host_protocol_guid = '{14D7AB53-CC51-47e9-8814-9C06AAE60189}', -- GUID for UDP
host_protocol_ports = { 67,68 } -- we want UDP ports 67,68
LUA functions reference
The only function in this script type is called parselayer
Function parselayer
In networking a protocol breakdown of a packet results in a “protocol layer tree”. For example a DNS packet would be typically made up of
- layer1 – Ethernet
- layer2 – IPv4
- layer3 – UDP
- layer4 – DNS
Trisul constructs such a tree for each packet. The protocol_handler script creates a new protocol that can be attached to any layer, say UDP Port 177. Then, whenever a packet arrives at port 177 UDP, the lua script will be called. You need to supply the following as a result.
- is this packet valid for this protocol ?
- if so how many bytes of the packet apply to this protocol
- what is the next protocol
Parse or dissect a packet data buffer at a given layer and construct the protocol tree to the next layer protocol.
When called
When a packet arrives that is attached to this protocol. Remember you can attach a protocol to any layer using the “Access Points”
layer | a Layer object | the layer object contains the packet bytes that are above the lower constructed layer. you can use the layer object to navigate the previously constructed layers. |
Return value
The return values
- return nil → if this packet is not recognized by this protocol
- return N, protocol_guid → where n= number of bytes eaten at this layer, guid = next layer protocol (or nil)
The following example shows how you can handle the DHCP protocol example.
DHCP runs on top of UDP and there is no next protocol, it is the last one. So you consume all the bytes and return nil.
-- return ( nEaten, nextProtID)
parselayer = function(layer)
-- eat all the bytes at this layer
-- return nil for next protocol, this is the last one in the stack
return layer:layer_bytes(),nil