
Trisul Network Analytics Download

Congratulations ! Follow the instructions shown for your Linux Platform


Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy)

Installing Trisul Network Analytics on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy

Recommended method using apt install

Just copy paste the steps below and you will be looking at a login screen in under 1 minute.


# login as root
sudo -i
apt install ca-certificates software-properties-common curl gnupg2 -y 
curl -sS | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/trisul.gpg > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/trisul.gpg] jammy main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/trisul.list
apt update 
apt install trisul-full

how to upgrade

If you already have Trisul  installed and you want to upgrade to the latest version; use apt-get remove --auto-remove trisul-full and then apt-get install trisul-full , rather than apt-get upgrade trisul-full

Public GPG Key for verifying packages

alternately download and install DEB packages individually

Here are the individual DEB packages.

  1. install each DEB using dpkg -i
  2. optionally verify them using the instructions How to verify Trisul DEBs

Core packages

Please wait.. fetching latest stable Trisul Network Analytics Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy packages


Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal)

Install Trisul on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal

Recommended method using apt install

Just copy paste the steps below and you will be looking at a login screen in under 1 minute.

# login as root
sudo -i
apt install ca-certificates software-properties-common curl gnupg2 -y 
curl -o - | apt-key add -
apt update
apt install trisul-full

how to upgrade

If you already have Trisul  installed and you want to upgrade to the latest version; use apt-get remove --auto-remove trisul-full and then apt-get install trisul-full , rather than apt-get upgrade trisul-full

how to install with a proxy server

If you are installing using a proxy server , use the following steps. Substitute your proxy server’s IP in the commands

# login as root
sudo -i  
export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=

#.. then continue the steps above

public key used to sign our packages

Our public key used to sign packages is issued to UNPL (Unleash Networks Pvt Ltd) , it can be viewed at 

alternately download and install DEB packages individually

Here are the individual DEB packages.

  1. install each DEB using dpkg -i
  2. optionally verify them using the instructions How to verify Trisul DEBs

Core packages

Wait …. fetching latest stable Trisul Network Analytics Focal packages


Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic) - Maintenance

Install Trisul on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic 64-bits.

Recommended method using apt install

Just copy paste the steps below and you will be looking at a login screen in under 1 minute.

# login as root
sudo -i
curl -o - | apt-key add -
apt update
apt install trisul-full

how to upgrade

If you already have Trisul  installed and you want to upgrade to the latest version; use apt-get remove --auto-remove trisul-full and then apt-get install trisul-full , rather than apt-get upgrade trisul-full

how to install with a proxy server

If you are installing using a proxy server , use the following steps. Substitute your proxy server’s IP in the commands

# login as root
sudo -i  
export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=

#.. then continue the steps above

public key used to sign our packages

Our public key used to sign packages is issued to UNPL (Unleash Networks Pvt Ltd) , it can be viewed at 

alternately download and install DEB packages individually

Here are the individual DEB packages.

  1. install each DEB using dpkg -i
  2. optionally verify them using the instructions How to verify Trisul DEBs

Core packages

Wait …. fetching latest stable Trisul Network Analytics Bionic packages


RHEL 9.x /Oracle Linux 9.x

Installing Trisul on Oracle Linx 9.1+ and RHEL 9.1+ versions only

Recommended method : Install using yum

Just add our repository and execute yum groupinstall "Trisul Full" to install in under 1 minute.

#Installing dependencies 
yum install yum-utils
yum install epel-release
yum-config-manager --add-repo yum install redhat-lsb-core #adding trisul YUM repository cd /etc/yum.repos.d curl -LO # check if Trisul Full is available now yum group list # install yum groupinstall "Trisul Full" # open port 3000/3003 for web access firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=3000/tcp firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=3003/tcp

Upgrading show instructions

If you already have Trisul installed and you want to upgrade to the latest version; use yum group remove "Trisul Full" followed by yum groupinstall "Trisul Full" or you can just update a single package such as yum install trisul-probe

Public GPG Key for verifying packages

Download and install RPM packages manually

Here are the individual RPM packages.

  1. install each RPM using rpm -Uvh
  2. optionally verify them using the instructions How to verify Trisul RPMs

Core packages

Please wait.. fetching latest stable Trisul Network Analytics OracleLinux 9  packages


RHEL 8.x / OracleLinux 8

Installing Trisul Network Analytics on RHEL 8.x and OracleLinux 8+. You may also use these packages for CentOS 8.x.

Recommended method : Install using yum

Just add our repository and execute yum groupinstall "Trisul Full" to install in under 1 minute.

# adding trisul YUM repository
cd /etc/yum.repos.d
curl -LO

# check if Trisul Full is available now
yum group list

# install
yum groupinstall "Trisul Full"

# open port 3000/3003 for web access 
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=3000/tcp
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=3003/tcp

Upgrading show instructions

If you already have Trisul installed and you want to upgrade to the latest version; use yum group remove "Trisul Full" followed by yum groupinstall "Trisul Full" or you can just update a single package such as yum install trisul-probe

Public GPG Key for verifying packages

Download and install RPM packages manually

Here are the individual RPM packages.

  1. install each RPM using rpm -Uvh
  2. optionally verify them using the instructions How to verify Trisul RPMs

Core packages

Please wait.. fetching latest stable Trisul Network Analytics RHEL 8/ OracleLinux 8 packages


CentOS 7 / RHEL 7.x - Maintenance

Installing Trisul Network Analytics on CentOS and RHEL. Use CentOS 7.3+ versions only

Recommended method : Install using yum

Just add our repository and execute yum groupinstall "Trisul Full" to install in under 1 minute.

# adding trisul YUM repository
cd /etc/yum.repos.d
curl -LO

# check if Trisul Full is available now
yum group list

# install
yum groupinstall "Trisul Full"

# open port 3000/3003 for web access 
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=3000/tcp
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=3003/tcp

Upgrading show instructions

If you already have Trisul installed and you want to upgrade to the latest version; use yum group remove "Trisul Full" followed by yum groupinstall "Trisul Full" or you can just update a single package such as yum install trisul-probe

Public GPG Key for verifying packages

Download and install RPM packages manually

Here are the individual RPM packages.

  1. install each RPM using rpm -Uvh
  2. optionally verify them using the instructions How to verify Trisul RPMs

Core packages

Please wait.. fetching latest stable Trisul Network Analytics Centos/RHEL 7.x packages


Docker image

Easiest way to try out Trisul. Over 50K+ downloads.

Run the Trisul docker image trisulnsm/trisul6

The following command will run Trisul Docker and store all the data and config in /opt/trisuldata

# run trisul on port enp5s0 
sudo docker run  --net=host -v /opt/trisuldata:/trisulroot -d trisulnsm/trisul6 --interface enp5s0 
# then open http://ip-address:3000 , you're live ! 

upgrading Trisul Docker

Just do a docker pull like so to keep your dockerized Trisul up to date

docker pull trisulnsm/trisul6 
docker stop trisul1a 
docker rm trisul1a
docker run .. (same as above)

more information about Trisul Docker

These resources contain more information about running Trisul NSM Docker.

  1. Github trisulnsm/docker.
  2. Docker Hub trisulnsm/trisul6

Next steps after installing Trisul

Congratulations for getting on board Trisul Network Analytics.  You should be able to see a login screen at this point.

Next, you should feed Trisul with some network data. Here are some starting points.

The Getting Started Guide is a good place to start.

Having trouble in downloading or installing Trisul packages  ? Ask us we’re here to help