
Trisul Network Analytics Pricing

Simple perpetual licensing model based on your network size

Free Trial

Included with every download

  • Full featured eval
  • Data kept for latest 3 days
  • Upto 10GB of raw pcap storage
  • All included system you can use today
  • Totally free no credit cards


Starting from USD $950

  • Simple perpetual licensing
  • Depending on size of network (internal IPs)
  • Small < 500, Medium < 2000, and Unlmited licenses
  • High availability options available
  • Special pricing for ISPs

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All prices in USD, all Trisul Licenses are perpetual, ordering via secure online store. Fill out the quotation form on the right. 

Support Packs

All licenses are perpetual and include one year of free support and upgrades. After the first year, we offer Annual Trisul Support Subscriptions at 20% of the license cost. These give you access to latest upgrades and priority support.

Licensing FAQ

What is an Internal IP ?

An Internal IP is roughly a workstation inside your enterprise. For example all private IPs 192.168.x 10.x 172.16.x are considered internal IPs. Trisul licensing is based on active internal IPs. A large enterprise with 10,000 active internal IPs needs the Unlimited License.

I need a Trisul Hub with 3 Probes how many licenses do I need

Trisul 7.0 is licensed on a per-probe basis. You would need 3 Licenses - 1 Hub+Probe and 2 extra Probes.

I have one probe that monitors a lightly loaded network – can I use the SMB license?

Yes. You can mix and match probes. If your lightly loaded probe only sees 500 internal IPs then you can start with a Small Biz 500 license and upgrade as the load grows

Can I mix free probes with licensed probes in a single domain?

No. The free license only allows you one probe per domain.

Is the free version feature restricted

No. The free version is full featured. The only restriction is the data retention window. For more details see Free License

How does the licensing work

We will send you a license file which you have to upload from the Admin page.

How much load can one Trisul Probe handle

In packet mode Trisul Probe can handle upto 20Gbps on a single node. In Netflow mode Trisul can handle upto 200Mbps of Netflow traffic - roughly 1M flows/second on a single node.

Can I point Netflow from 1000 devices to a single Trisul instance

Absolutely. We dont cap the number of Netflow interfaces. Only the total number of Internal IPs are counted.

What happens if I go over the internal IP limit

You will see a warning if more than the license limit is crossed, but Trisul will not stop working. Traffic and flows beyond the licensed limit may not be processed correctly.

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