New HA Release

HA Release.

Versions: Hub 6.5.2862, Probe 6.5.2982, Web 6.5.2206

Release Notes

Trisul Probe
  • FEATURE: High Availability (HA) 1 Probe can be dual homed to 2 Hubs
  • FEATURE: Disaster Recovery (DR) support for enterprise deployment
  • FEATURE: Pervasive BGP and Routing support, prefix analysis, path, path change,
  • New PCAP tools trisul_flowcap and trisul_reencrypt to help prune and rekey Trisul PCAP dumps
Trisul Hub
  • FEATURE: High Availability (HA) Primary and Backup domain IPs
  • FEATURE: Disaster Recovery (DR) Incremental Replication
Web Interface
  • FEATURE: Import a CSV file to assign labels to any counter group, export to CSV
  • FEATURE: GRAFANA support
  • FEATURE: Bulk import a CSV file and assign labels to keys
  • NETFLOW: Major updates to Netflow features
Trisul Apps

Trisul APPS are free extensions for real time analytics and visualization.