New Release : Crosskeys counter groups to monitor data flow metrics

New Release : Crosskeys counter groups to monitor data flow metrics

26-Feb-2019Versions: Hub 6.5.2834, Probe 6.5.2939, Web 6.5.2165


Release Highlights

A partial list of the most important features.

See Blog posts on the two biggest highlights

Trisul Probe
  • FEATURE : New Cross Keys counter group allows you to meter upto 3 counter groups.
  • FEATURE : Bug fix with some Netflow v9 equipment vendors when router timestamps are zero
  • FEATURE : Bug fix with Flow Taggers in some rare cases when tags are very long
  • FEATURE : LUA API : new flowkey() method added to object Layer
  • SCRIPTING: Released the BITMAUL protocol dissector library
Trisul Hub
  • FEATURE: Resources now partitioned by time to improve performance even further
  • FEATURE: Max number of probes per Hub increased to 16 in non-Enterprise
Web Interface
  • FEATURE: Explore Flows report now has an Export to XLSX option
  • FEATURE: Cross Key counter group UI
  • Netflow: Router interface drilldown report to PDF
  • Schedule report for Netflow router interface drilldown
  • Export to XLSX from Netflow reports
Trisul Apps

Trisul APPS are free extensions for real time analytics and visualization

For full release notes see Trisul Release Announcement


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