We are excited to announce the launch of a new release of Trisul Network Analytics 7.0. This is a major update to our comprehensive network monitoring, security analytics, and compliance solution. Designed for IT professionals, network administrators, and security teams this new release introduces new features and enhancements that empower Trisul users to monitor traffic even more effectively.

What’s new in Trisul Release 7.0.3161
Enhanced Netflow Routers and Interfaces: A reworked Routers and Interfaces page that is now capable of handing 10,000 plus devices. We’ve really taken this to the next level for large SD-WAN type deployments with a large number of branches.
New Database Sizing Analysis Tool: Two new admin tool Database Usage Analyzer for viewing disk usage in a fine grained way using PIE charts and Netflow Template DB Explorer which let you explore the Netflow Templates received give you more control.
IPDR Compliance: For IPDR Compliance we have a bonanza of new features, primarily blazing fast improvements in flow queries that can result in up to 10x faster query speeds.
Release notes
Full release notes can be found at https://forums.trisul.org/d/97-new-release-feb-2024-trisul-703160
Trisul Network Analytics 7.0.3161 is available now. New users can get started at our Download page. Existing customers can upgrade to the new version using YUM or APT toolsets at no additional cost.
About Trisul Network Analytics
Trisul Network Analytics is a leading provider of network traffic monitoring of both Netflow and Packet Capture based solutions. Our mission is to deliver powerful,scalable, and actionable real time insights into network performance and security.
For more information about Trisul Network Analytics 7.0 to start your free Trial. Visit out website at https://trisul.org