

Extensible platform with open APIs

A key differentiator of Trisul Network Analytics compared to existing approaches available in the market. We know how frustrating it can be when you know exactly what you want but your network monitoring software is closed and unable to support that. Trisul frees you from vendor dependency for adding custom analytics , reporting, or threat hunting. Using the Analytics API and the Database API. Trisul customers can write their own scripts to accomplish almost anything.

Analytics API (LUA)

The platform provides you with hooks into key processing points in the packet processing, reassembly, and the metrics stream pipelines. You write simple scripts using LUA to examine the available streams and add your own analytics.


Database API

A Protocol Buffers based request response API.  Retrieve any type of data from the Trisul backend such as metrics, flows, documents, and packets. The API can be accessed from any scripting language that supports Google Protocol Buffers. We like to use Javascript and Ruby.


Trisul Apps

Trisul Apps

Trisul Apps are a fast growing collection custom analytics algorithms, tools, dynamic dashboards, and visualizations made freely available to our community.  Trisul Apps are created using the open APIs and the source code for them is made available on Github.