Flow monitoring


Crunch your flows

Flow analysis,enrichment,querying capabilities are a must for any organization serious about monitoring, investigation, and audit. Trisul tracks and stores all flows. No losses.

  • Reconstructs and saves all flows
  • Available in NETFLOW and PACKET mode
  • Powerful Device Interface drilldowns
  • Flow enrichment with Flow Taggers
  • Fast Flow DB supports Billions of flows

Powerful tools for flow analytics

Trisul Network Analytics features a purpose built highly optimized column oriented database to store billions of flows in a compressed format.  There are many tools to help you with exploring this flow database.


Explore Flows using a simple query language


Query the flow database and aggregate key usage.

XLS Export

For large outputs such as compliance and audit. Query and export flows as XLS.

Flow Taggers

Create flow taggers to enrich flows with counter information. Eg ; tag flow with country codes of endpoint, or IDS alert priority

Flow Trackers

Real time streaming snapshot of top flows matching a criteria. Eg Top Downloads

Flow Stabber

Monitor flow activity in real time on a particular interface, for an application, etc.

Flow monitoring based on raw packets or Netflow

Netflow is a very handy technology to provide a very useful deep visibility into networks where packet based monitoring is not practical.  Trisul’s flow monitoring features are available in the Netflow mode as well.   Monitor device and interface level metrics at large scale using Trisul Netflow.