New release with packages for Ubuntu 20 and Oracle Linux 8

We are pleased to announce a new release of Trisul Network Analytics. (Release Date Aug 26 2021, Trisul Probe 6.5.3040, Trisul Hub 6.5.2922, Web Trisul 6.5.2321)

New Trisul Network Analytics release Aug 2021

Packages for new platforms

We have now released DEB and RPM packages for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal) and Oracle Linux 8. After Centos 7, we are building and releasing on Oracle Linux 8, which is compatible with RHEL 8.x. Please sign up and download for these platforms. We also release packages for CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 18 (Bionic) as usual.

Improved reporting

Improved PDF reporting

Across the board improvements to various PDF reports. We have now organized our predefined reports into easy to use Tabs for Overview, Netflow, ISP, etc. Emailing out reports via relays like SendGrid and PepiPost are now supported in addition to direct SMTP outbound. All emailed reports are now available also via a user interface so the user can pull up the PDF that was mailed out for any report in the past.

Netflow IPv6, Drilldowns

We continue improving our outstanding Netflow support by further enhancing Netflow support to our Router and Interfaces and Interface drilldown tools.

  • Automatically use SNMP to correlate VLAN interface names
  • Set alerts system wide (eg If any interface crosses 90% alert me!)
  • Various vendor specific niggles handled for Fortigate, Juniper, Huawei, PaloAlto and Cisco devices.
  • Support for NAT IPFIX SYSLOG added. The application for this is ISP who are required to comply to store NAT IP flow records.
  • Various IPv6 Netflow metrics such as IPv6 per-prefix counting

Platform utilities

We have also added a couple of new Trisul Apps and fixed a number of platform issues.

Featured in this release is a DB Analyzer tool, you can right click on any day and get a report which can tell you which metric is using how much disk space. This helps you tune the database.

HA tool : A new tool copy-day-slices allows you to synchronize a backup (DR) node to a primary (DC) node as part of reshtoration after a failover.

Support tool : trisul-system-report is a new tool which captures all required log, license, system information and puts it in a single tar.gz file. You can then ship it to Trisul support.

Overall a solid release, which sets Trisul on the path to become the goto choice for serious Netflow and Packet based analytic teams.

Full release notes

Full release notes can be found at

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