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Processing the DEFCON 26 CTF PCAPS using Trisul NSM

DEFCON 26 CTF Competition

1. Download the DEFCON26 PCAP , a 5GB file into a directory. 2. Unrar the file and extract the inside PCAP into a filename without spaces defcon26ctf.pcap

1. Install docker on your Linux distro.

2. Create a directory on your system where the results will be stored. Move the PCAP to that directory so the docker container can see the PCAP file.

Run the following lines

mkdir /opt/trisulroot
mv defcon26ctf.pcap /opt/trisulroot

Run the trisulnsm/trisul6 docker image over the PCAP

 sudo docker run  --privileged=true  \
     --name=trisul1a    \
      --net=host -v /opt/trisulroot:/trisulroot   \
        -d trisulnsm/trisul6 \
         --pcap dc26ctf.pcap \
           --webserver-port 4000


Timeline showing volume of traffic between 10 and 100Mbps over the period of the competition. You can select any timewindow and drill down


Top flows

PCAP totals dashboard

Exploring HTTP Status 123

Alerts, attacks on Drupal

Pivot to packets from anywhere

Conversations of a particular hosts

Port connections over time

offline/defcon26ctf.1542030507.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/12 19:18 by veera