Introducing multi hop flow monitoring

Introducing multi hop flow monitoring

We just pushed a new release of Trisul Network Analytics which will greatly enhance your network troubleshooting capabilities. This release introduces a Hop by Hop Flow analytics feature to help you hunt down connection errors.

Multihop flow details

Multihop flow analysis

In our customers, we noticed Trisul being increasingly used not just for Network Security Monitoring but also to hunt down traffic problems. A common request we hear is “Trisul is already seeing everything at a packet level, why cant you tell us why some of our connections are having problems”. You can setup Trisul-Probes at multiple vantage points in your network – flows that traverse these points are correlated and presented to you. You can compare the flow states, packets, latencies, and retransmissions at these probes.

For more information see Multihop hop flow analytics

Other improvements in release

Also in this release

  1. A major bug in the web stack (Rails) has been fixed. The previous release was leaking threads slowly until the web server stopped.
  2. Deep Monitoring IP : A new feature that makes it very easy to monitor specific important IPs such as app servers, mail servers more deeply than other IPs. To learn more about this feature see Deep Monitoring

All users are urged to update as soon as convenient.

Dont just monitor, start NSM-ming !