
Trisul Blog

One of the hardsells in Network Security Monitoring is to convince a user that storing packet trails is a feasible proposition.

Happy New Year Trisul fans. We have a new release out for you with some Enterprise features.

We have a new release out for you with some Enterprise features. HA : High availability – protects against a single probe or hub node failure by multihoming the nodes.

We just pushed a new release of Trisul Network Analytics which will greatly enhance your network troubleshooting capabilities

We are pleased to announced a new release of Trisul Network Analytics. Some highlights of this release. (full release notes)

We are pleased to announced a new release of Trisul Network Analytics. Some highlights of this release. (full release notes)

A partial list of the most important features. Trisul APPS are free extensions for real time analytics and visualization

This post describes updated Geo location features in Trisul Network Analytics. Maxmind is a leading provider of IP based Geo location intelligence

We are excited to introduce a powerful new feature called Cross Keys. This feature allow you to meter and visualize arbitrary information flows which is not feasible with any other method without throwing heavy hardware resources at it.

We’re kicking off the New Year 2019 with a couple of Trisul scripts to detect Covert Channels that use PING. This script was inspired by the blog post [How To: C2 over ICMP]